Welcome to Sparkle Month!!
What is “Sparkle Month”? I’m so glad you asked.
Sparkle Month officially started nine years ago, coined by me and my friend Danielle, after we decided to dedicate the month of December to “sparkle”. Now, as with many things, the story has layers. Movember was in its heyday and the men in our offices were all growing mustaches and facial hair to support prostate awareness and health. However, after 30 days, we were surrounded by hirsute and largely unkempt men. Sparkles were, in part, a way to balance out the rougher energies of Movember.
But there’s more…and this is the real meat to the story…the foundation.
Flashback twenty-six years ago, when I attended a casual dinner at a different friend’s house. She served sandwiches on her china. We drank water out of Waterford crystal flutes and we ate salads using her good silver.
During that dinner – she told us a story.
Her father observed to her one day that people have a lot of things they save for “a special occasion”. The interesting thing is, these “special occasion items” rarely get used. He pondered both that we own things we don’t use…and what a “special occasion” is.
After all, he said, isn’t every day of your life…special?
Isn’t every day of your life special?
Every day of your life is special.
When she spoke with him more, he said not to worry about the cost of things so much if they bring you joy – use them every day. Buying china, for example, is pricey and the price stays “high” if you rarely use it. But if you use it every day for every meal – not only do you get the joy of using something beautiful that you love, but the “cost of ownership” is divided among daily use and suddenly it’s not so “expensive”.
When she wrapped her head around that – she got rid of her daily dishes and started using her china and silver and crystal…and never looked back.
I’m sure you can understand how this hit me.
Maybe like it’s hitting you.
Sort of a slow awakening…duh.
It makes so much sense. Too much sense, right?
But sit with it. Really sit with it.
Now, jump forward from twenty six years ago to nine years ago. When Danielle and I discussed being sparkly to offset all the hairness of Movember, it all came together. We both had closets filled with “holiday outfits” that were worn once and never brought out again. How often do you repeat a gown to a gala or festive gear to a holiday party?
These “special occasion” pieces were being woefully neglected in our closets! What’s more, they brought us joy and happiness during a season filled with joy and happiness!
We only planned on doing Sparkle Month once, for kicks. During that December, nine years ago, our routine was to work out at gym at 6am then get ready to go to work about a half a mile away. We were surrounded by other people getting ready for work while we put on sequin skirts and satin jackets. Inevitably, people started watching for our daily outfits.
A full year later, in November, women in the gym would shyly ask, “Are you doing Sparkle Month again this year? It brought such a smile to my day!”
And so Sparkle Month was born! Back by popular demand. Every year when I think, this is the last one, I get an outcry of “Please, please do sparkle month!” This year, with a global pandemic weighing on our minds, the requests started coming earlier and earlier. And here we are!
It looks different each year. Some years I get as ridiculous as possible layering three rhinestone necklaces on to go to the grocery store. Other years, it’s the simple things, like watching sunlight dance across the top of the ocean waves.
Sparkle Month has turned into both a chance to be silly and bring joy to others AND to reflect that…every day of our lives is a special occasion.
We shouldn’t “wait” for that big day or that big promotion or that…anything.
Celebrate today. Celebrate yourself!
Sparkle means whatever you want it to mean. It could be a twinkle in your eye, glitter in your hair, or sequins on your shoes.
It is all about celebrating YOU in the most YOU way possible.
That’s YOUR unique Sparkle.
Sparkle and shine, you beautiful being! Create your own Sparkly Life – and don’t restrict it to a day or a month. Be sparkly every damn minute of every damn day if you feel like it!
What do you have relegated to “special occasions” in your life? What are you waiting for?!
Will you join me in celebrating Sparkle Month?
For some reason this made me very emotional! I am in the camp of waiting for sparkle month every year and would be very disappointed if it didn’t happen. Thank you for rallying in this time, when we barely need to get out of our pajamas!
Happy to oblige! It can take effort to get started during these trying times – but after a while it starts to snowball and gets easier!