Have you checked out subscription boxes?
For the longest time they felt like scams or a waste of money. But a couple of years ago I decided to indulge my curiosity.
I’ve tried Oui Please, Boxy Charm, and Fit Fab Fun. They’ve each been fun in their own way. I typically participate for a few cycles, no more than a year, and then I stop them when I feel the novelty has worn off or I’m starting to collect things I don’t want.
Costs differ, content differs, but it’s always an adventure.
What will you get? Will you like it? Will it surprise and amaze you?
It’s like buying yourself flowers – oh, yes, I do! – but better!
This time I’m sharing a brand new subscription box I’m trying. Not so much to recommend it but to share the experience.
It was a late night/early morning impulse purchase call the Sakura Co Box. This little lovely will come to me every month filled with treats from Japan. It’s like a care package from a total stranger in a foreign land.
Okay, that sounds creepier than I mean it to sound.
It’s probably worth mentioning and/or reminding my dear readers that I am half Japanese.
We used to spend several weeks in the summer in Japan as children, playing with cousins who didn’t speak a common language, hanging out with grandparents who managed to influence our lives despite communication challenges. This was back in the (ahem) seventies when the imports from Japan weren’t as plentiful as they are now.
I learned about Star Wars…in Japan. I learned about coffee vending machines…in Japan. I learned how to ride subways…in Japan.
My childhood was heavily influenced by Japanese products and they trigger strong memories for me.
Fast forward – our family is talking about planning a trip to visit relatives again next year and bringing the new men in our lives to meet our loved ones. This got me nostalgic and it made me curious about how to share my memories of Japan and my childhood with the man.
I think that Google can mind read – because not a day later – I get the Sakura box ad.
A few click later, I was signed up for a new monthly subscription. Today I received my first box of goodies. Here’s my first impression.
The packaging is lovely. I expect nothing less from a Japanese brand. Presentation is important to the Japanese and always leaves an impression. In this case, it’s a simple but solid cardboard box with a slight design on the exterior. It was carefully bubble wrapped and packed very neatly.
First impression from the outside? Pleased.

It appears that each box may have a regional theme – which only enhances the adventure aspect of this box. This month it’s exploring Okinawa.
The brochure includes a history of Okinawa and some aspects of the region. I’ve never been to Okinawa but I had a cousin study Okinawan dance there for several years. I’m excited to dive in.
As a little side note, Japanese writing goes from right to left, not left to right. This Okinawa brochure opens from the left which will feel “backward” to a westerner. Kind of fun, right?!
For this box, each treat included a small write up, details about the treat, a photo to make it easy to pair up, and –to my delight! – notes on allergens.
Since this is my first Sakura Co box, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. I love the amount of variety which is both sweet and savory. There are jellies, crackers, tea, and baked goods. They even include home goods. This month I got a lovely bowl that will be perfect for some miso soup.
It appears they are spotlighting Okinawan ingredients like the purple potato called Beni Imo.
For this box, is it worth it? Since my travel has been curtailed over the past year, I think it’s a nice treat to feel transported to an exotic local once a month. I’m not sure how long I’ll participate but I like that this subscription box has a lot of different options.
If you’re interested in this one, you can find them here. Below is their pricing as of July 21, 2021.

Final Thoughts
Can you really get adventure from a box?
It’s all about mindset and attitude. This box in particular is scratching my travel itch a little, and providing some inspiration for travel plans next year.
That’s part of what drew me to subscription boxes in the first place. It’s a small little thrill – a little gift each month or so – that surprises and delights. It makes me feel silly, hopeful, optimistic, curious – all things I think are intricately intertwined with youthful living and adventure.
Have you checked out any subscription boxes? If yes, please share which ones in the comments below. I love to hear other people’s experiences!