You probably already know I’m a sucker for a beauty gadget. I love gadgets in general, but one that promises to restore youthfulness AND it’s non-invasive? You’ve got my full attention.
Angel Lift hit my instagram feed this summer and I was immediately intrigued. It purports to help with lip enhancement, soften marionette lines, soften nasolabial folds, and smooth out perioral lines (those lip wrinkles we associate with smokers). It seems like a lot to ask for from a non-invasive process. I don’t have terrible nasolabial folds, marionette lines or perioral lines. I find (for now) mine are well handled with regular microneedling. But plumper, fuller lips that harken back to our juicy youthful days? Yes, please!
What Is It?
Angel Lift is a removable facial implant how scary does THAT sound?! that uses surgical grade hydrogel strips at your gumline. Don’t worry. They aren’t actually implanted. They slip between your gums and your lip. Angel Lift offers four different products: Original, collagen, vermillion, and professional. They offer different degrees of pressure to get different outcomes.

Product Types | Collagen | Original | Vermillion | Professional |
Price | $99.00 | $79.99 | $129.99 | $149.99 |
Lift | .024N Lift | .024N Lift | .039N Lift | .052N Lift |
Notes | Designed to promote collagen regeneration, and effectively smooth out a variety of facial lines, including vertical lip lines, nasolabial folds, smoker lines, laugh lines, and marionette lines. | Naturally lift and smooth wrinkles, promote collagen regeneration, and restore lip shape without the need for injections. They offer long-lasting, non-invasive results for a youthful appearance. | Formulated with ingredients that pull moisture to the lip and provide a vertical lift. They improve a lengthening philtrum, vermilion thinning, lip volume loss, thinning lips, and plump and restore a flatting cupid’s bow. | Formulated with the same ingredients as our Original DermaStrips but have a higher level of collagen properties and mechanical strength offering a 30% stronger lift to improve and remove lines and wrinkles around the lips and lower portion of the face. |
How Does It Work?
Angel Lift apparently works by putting light pressure against the skin to stimulate collagen production. According to the aesthetic businesses out there (thank you google!), as we age the ligaments of our top lip stretches which means the visible lip gets thinner and more of our lips actually roll under. The collagen stimulation makes lips plumper by adding back in volume that makes our lips show This isn’t like a lip filler. Rather, it’s restoring the look you had when you were more youthful. I have nothing personally against lip filler but I find it’s fairly obvious with most people and I prefer a more natural and subtle aging.
Does It Actually Work?
I purchased the AngelLift Original Dermastrips and the Restoring, Reshaping Dermastrip Tube. I thought I would start with the lightest lift to see if it made any dramatic difference. I used it for 30 minutes consistently for 60 days in a row.
Subtle but noticeable. My friends asked me if I had filler done or anything – and my mother asked me what was different about my lips.
I love how it looks because it’s essentially the lips of my youth. My aesthetician was a little worried about having TOO much pressure that might create more wrinkles or loosen skin. Not to fear. No signs of that at all. Now I just wear it every two or three days for thirty minutes. I usually pop them in before I get into the shower. I find between showering and then getting ready, the time passes with ease.
Do I Recommend It?
Absolutely! If you think your lips are looking a little thin, I recommend you check this out. It’s less than a botox session and non-invasive. What can it hurt?
I love anything that makes me look younger in a way that no one can pinpoint!
If you’ve used these or think you might, drop me a comment below and let me know what you think!