If it’s a cliche to say that intellectual curiosity keeps your mind sharp, your senses alert, and your capabilities cutting-edge, that’s because it’s true.
Adena Friedman
My worst fear (even more than spiders) is losing my faculties as I grow “wiser”.
I was fortunate enough to know all four of my grandparents and generally they aged gracefully with their wits about them. But I remember when my hero, my Grandpa (in his late nineties) started to lose time. He could fake being “with it”, but he’d later admit he was lost for “what felt like years”. In reality it was only moments.
It freaked me out.
Now, I’ve started noticing that my recall and memory aren’t (well, weren’t) as good as they had been. Surely it’s all that wisdom I’ve been collecting, right?!
But the thought of my brain declining to the point of being trapped in my mind was sobering, so I did what I always do.
Refuse to accept it, of course!
Ok, self, how are we going to prevent this?
I started a serious deep dive on brain research and causes, symptoms, treatment of dementia. I became fascinated with how the brain recovers from traumatic injury. I even pored over research on how much (or little) of our brains computational power we use.
Come to find out our brains are largely untapped super computers that we run on a pretty basic operating system (Forgive me, I work in software so many of my analogies are computer-related.)
So, self, what do we DO with all of this information?
Duh, start writing a better program for our brains! So, drawing on a lifelong love of fitness and exercise, I created a Brain Workout.
Intrigued? I’ll share what I do and why…but lest we get bored of reading…I’ll write THAT in another post!