Feed Your Body

You probably already know I’m a sucker for a beauty gadget. I love gadgets in general, but one that promises to restore youthfulness AND it’s non-invasive? You’ve got my full…

Good Stuff

In March 2022, I reviewed some eye masks and landed on my “then” favorite. I’m not a fickle fan so much as I chase perfection. I was ready to stop…

Good Stuff
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Frugal /froo-guhl/ adjective 1. economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful; 2. entailing little expense; requiring few resources dictionary.com Are you like me? Do you get…

Good Stuff

Just a quick update (with more details to come) on some things I was loving in January! I’m giving you the tease in case you can’t wait for me to…

Good Stuff

You probably know by now that I love gadgets. I’m trying to downsize my gadgets (stop laughing, George!) and I’ve gotten my impulse purchases under much better control as I’ve…

Feed Your Body

I am one of those people who is extremely light sensitive when I try to sleep. The only other person I know who is as sensitive as me is my…

Good Stuff

We are getting ready to travel overseas again. I usually have at least one out-of-country trip a year, possibly more – but obviously that behavior curtailed in the last two…

Feed Your Body

Did you see my Free People Dress Dupes? post a couple of weeks ago? During that process, I stumbled on some dresses on Amazon I thought were worth trying out.…

Feed Your Body

Okay, okay – you know that I’m a sucker for a gadget. But when that gadget offers the possibility of replacing three or four shower/bath tools that take up space…


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