Feed Your Mind

This is never a bad thing, is it? Have you ever heard anyone say, Gee, I wish my life were really out of balance right now?! Of course not! That’s…

Feed Your Body

Have you heard this saying? I’m hear to tell you – what a bunch of hooey!! I, like many people, have perpetually cold hands. I don’t just mean a little…

Good Stuff

Amazon Prime Day runs from October 13th to October 14th, 2020 and I thought I would give you some quick links to products I love! Like me, they are mishmosh…

Feed Your Body

“I think the eyes flirt most. There are so many ways to use them.” Anna Held One of the many injustices we face as we grow wiser is…the thinning of…

Feed Your Body

Hello from week eight (or month two) of Social Distancing World! In this weird world, a sense of normalcy has settled over the land and the inhabitants are developing new…


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