“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
― Albert Einstein
We’ve all heard the old saying “Curiosity killed the cat” but I never paid it much attention. In my mind, curiosity feeds exploration, openness to new ideas and things, and passion. Why would that be a bad thing?
As an eternally curious person, I’ve always seen it as a strength. Children have a sense of curiosity and wonder that seems to ebb away from them as they mature. I argue that Curiosity is the very thing that makes us feel, think, act, seem, and even LOOK younger!
As a baby step on the journey of feeling and being more vital and youthful, look at your own sense of wonder and curiosity.
Is it alive and active?
Or do you feel exhausted, jaded, defeated, torn down by life?
I routinely indulge my curiosity because I like to know what questions are unanswerable versus those that I just haven’t researched. My curiosity gets piqued several times throughout a day.
“Why do people act that way?”
It’s a passing thought that I’d wager most of us have at least once a week. What if…you didn’t dismiss the question but instead pondered it? Challenged it? Examined it?
“This is just what happens when we get older.”
Oo…that one really burns me up! It sounds like the voice of defeat. My head says “oh yeah?” I’m not one to back down from a challenge. I wonder why we believe and accept the things that we do.
I will share the things that spark my curiosity and enliven my brain, not because I think the topics will be terribly relevant to you, but rather to share and spark curiosity in you.
Curiousity is a way of life. An attitude. A passion. It keeps our minds sharp. It makes us engage and interact with the world. Curiosity gets us out of our chairs and into the world.
Come be curious with me!