It might help to first know that I work in the software industry.
For the last several decades, I stopped counting my age and started focusing on my versions.
I had just gone through a divorce and was flailing to figure out how to move forward in a constructive way. I decided I would become Christine 2.0. This version would be happier, healthier, accomplished, more laid back, surrounded by tribe.
It caught on from there but with every passing year, I find this model resonates more and more.

In software development, major changes are associated with a whole number upgrade. I started upgrading my number on each decade. I’m currently version 5.0. Within those major upgrades, there are incremental improvements. These are tenth of numbers. If I make a major accomplishment, I’m version 5.1 for example. Of course, as with all software, there can be defects…adjustments necessary to get things operating the way you want. Sometimes it’s as simple as an apology (I’m sorry that conversation didn’t go as I wanted it to.). Sometimes it’s bigger (rehabbing a frozen shoulder). While I don’t count the defect number…there are waaay too many! I like that it encourages me to be okay with it as a part of my life.
Each year when I think about goals or resolutions, it’s really about, how do I want to improve my features (inside, not outside), how do I want to direct my development? We do this for our business so why not use that same roadmap concept for ourselves?
What I like best about software editions instead of age is that everyone knows beta versions are glitchy just as they know that more “mature” applications are more stable and “feature-rich”. I am certainly more stable and feature-rich than I was a couple of versions ago!
Today’s glitch was that I try to post weekly at the same time. No one is expecting me to and no one demands it, except me. And keeping commitments to myself is important. So, I’m late…but here’s my post. At least this defect has been addressed.
What’s YOUR version number? What milestones would use to mark your versions?