As we are all starting to contemplate society’s measures to diminish the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), it occurred to me that we might need to consider what happens when suddenly we are all stuck at home.
When my company announced a mandatory remote working policy next week, a wave of panic went through the office – not about COVID-19 – about being with our families 24/7. Some even voiced it – we love our families, but we need distance, time away, time to have our own identity so we can come back to them renewed. For many of us, our co-workers are also friends and an important social outlet.
So what happens when our worlds suddenly reverse and the 40+ hours we spend with our work family is spent with our own family?
Well, I’m here to help. I spent three winters in Alaska, stuck inside for months at a time, going a little stir crazy. I’m planning on drawing on those life skills to get through this.
- Clean – Seriously. Not the surface cleaning you’re doing to keep your house germ free. Go after the hard things – the junk drawer, the guest room, the basement or garage or attic. Pull out the boxes you haven’t looked into for years and toss out what you don’t need. Better yet, suck your family members into it. Don’t get overwhelmed. Start small. You will have a sense of accomplishment and you’ll knock things off your list.
My List:
A. Edit my kitchen pantry.
B. Thin out my jewelry collection.
I’m going to re-read Marie Kondo’s book (check out her KonMari website) to clear more excess out of my life! If I start getting cabin fever – I’m going to turn my attention to that first. - Fix things around the house – This piggy backs number one but I know it will give me a sense of accomplishment that will make me happy I’m stuck at home. Knocking things off the “one and done” list feel great.
My List:
A. Swap out busted light switches
B. Replace quarter round trim by my living room doors.
C. Refinish a dresser I’ve been dying to redo for years! - Try a new hobby/learn something new – Down time is a wonderful opportunity for self-improvement. I personally have a backlog of hobbies because I think I can accomplish more than there are hours in a day. BUT…now is the perfect time to go after this. Here’s a secret: Learning and doing new things as we continue to become “wiser” makes us more interesting. Who doesn’t want to be more interesting?
My List:
A. Start (and finish) a knitting project. I learned to knit from a book – so don’t let NOT knowing stop you. There are great online tutorials these days that break it all down. Stitch and Story has some lovely kits that have everything you need to create a project. Simple projects like a scarf!
B. Learn a song on the banjo. I bought a banjo a year ago and learn some basic fingering patterns but I never found time to progress. I’d guess that learning to play most instruments, your family will actually seek distance from you!
C. Take some online courses. I’ve been bookmarking some online course that pique my interest so if I run out of things that appeal, I can always pick up an online class.
D. Install customizations on my motorcycle. I have a couple of things I want to do before the riding season starts. I’m a newbie rider, so installing a gear shift indicator is going to be a HUGE bonus when I get back on my bike. - Cook something new – One challenge with working is figuring out how to fit it all in. If you’re anything like me, I have that “one day” list of things I’ll make or dishes/recipes I want to try. Now is the PERFECT time to pull them out. Who cares if it takes all day? Of course we don’t want to spend a lot of time at a grocery store – but mine has online shopping with pick up. I can limit my exposure and still get all of the ingredients I need.
My List:
A. Make homemade arepas. Our favorite arepa restaurant closed recently and I’ve been having a craving!
B. Make baked doughnuts. Baked and gluten free so I can eat them as a treat. They have been dominating my Pinterest board so I’m going to try a recipe! - Shake up your workouts – I HATE the thought of messing up my workout routine. But, let’s face it. Gyms are nasty, dirty places with way too much bodily fluid to make anyone rest easy. Now is the time to dust off those workout CDs, sign up for those short classes, breakout workout plans.
My List:
A.Betty Rocker – She has some free training videos and classes for a fee. Once you buy the classes, they are always available to you. I have plenty of options on her site alone.
B.Body Boss – This site has several different training programs available. I like that you immediately get access to the online content as you wait for the hard copy. I’m old school – I like the hard copy.
C. Mad Fit – This a great YouTube channel with exercises suitable for a range of people. I would only ask that you subscribe to the channels you are leveraging for things like this – it’s how they get paid!
D. Physical therapy – During normal times, I would include my yoga mat in here, but I’m in the process of rehabbing my shoulder so that is going to get a lot of love and attention while I’m hanging around the house.
E. Body weight exercises – These are great for all people regardless of age/gender. The link goes to a more advanced one, but pick the level appropriate for you.
Of course, follow the advice of your physician and if you are uncertain if you should partake in certain exercises, trust your doctors. - Rest and rejuvenate – Indulge in self-care. During times of high stress, and possibly too much togetherness, taking time for yourself is important. Find a quiet space to do you.
My List:
A. A bubble bath
B. A face mask or peel
C. A good book
D. An afternoon nap
E. A home salon mani/pedi - Plan a trip – I’m not saying TAKE the trip, but actively day dream what trip you could take when this pandemic subsides. Where would you want to go? What have you always wanted to see? This is definitely having a ripple effect on travel and now is a great time to find deals. Just make sure you plan far enough out and that you know the cancellation or rescheduling rules. If you dream, you can make it happen!
None of this is earth-shattering, I know. But cabin fever creeps up faster than you might think, and one of the best ways to deal with it is to have your strategy thought out and planned. I’d rather have a plan I never use than find myself in that horrible panic state where I can’t think clearly.
While we are here, I’m going to give you a list of things NOT to do.
- Don’t panic – It doesn’t do you any good. Keep a level head, make a plan, execute your plan.
- Do NOT build toilet paper forts – Seriously. Share the Charmin. No one likes a hoarder.
- Do NOT mix a five gallon drum of homemade hand sanitizer – If you need some, feel free to buy or make some. But this is not a contest. There isn’t a prize for the person with the most disinfectant. In fact in an amazing move, my beloved salon (Vanity Salon) got in a shipment of sanitizer and offered to customers that they could come fill 3oz bottles to share the wealth. What a boss move!!
We are all in this together so we can relate, share, support, commiserate, and thrive as a community.
Take a deep breath – This too shall pass.