Last time I was with my sister, she asked if I had hear about Maëlys. Of course I have! Their targeted advertising pulls up in my social media feeds all of the time, but I didn’t have any first hand information. So what did I do?
I committed to buying items from the line and trying them for 30 days. Are the claims real or too good to be true? Let’s see.
Product Line
Maëlys has lines broken down by body part with different focuses for what each does. The names are cute and appealing to their target demographic which seems to be relatively young women. Here’s the breakdown in what they offer. I’ve put an asterisk (*) next to the products I ordered and tried.
- *B-Flat – Belly Firming Cream
- *B-Tight – Lift and Firm Booty Mask
- *B-Poised – Neck and Décolleté Firming Cream
- *B-Foxy – Inner Thigh Firming Cream
- *B-Flex – Lift and Firm Arm Cream
- *B-Glowy – Brightening Body Serum
- *Bright-It – Lifting Eye Cream
- *Flaunt-It – Intense Peptide Serum
- B-Glossy – Smoothing Body Serum
- B-Thicc – Booty Enhancing Mask
- B-Lucid – Targeted Body Acne Gel
- B-Perky – Lift & Firm Breast Mask
- Get-Back – Targeted Body Acne Spray
- Get-Gone – Acne Body Cleanser
- Get-Cheeky – Enriched Cellulite Oil
- Get-Sprung – Enriched Stretch Mark Oil
- Get-Dreamy – Overnight Toning Whip
- Get-Peachy – Booty Scrub
- Get-Showy – Body Butter
- Get-Wild – Body Mist
- Get-Extra – Rich Shower Oil
- Get-Silky – Breast Exfoliating Stick
- Get-Sassy – Under Boob Deoderant
- So-Flawless – Tinted Body Foundation
- So-Prepped – Tan Accelerator
- So-Jelly – After Sun Restorative Body Mask
- So-Cool – After Sun Cooling Body Wash
- Wow-It – Instant Under Eye Cream
- B-Sleek – Outer Thigh Stretch Mark Cream
- Charge-It – Enriched Face Cream
- Refine-It – Repairing Night Cream
- Charm-It – Golden Kit
- Switch-It – Restorative Face Serum
- Smooch-It – Lip Plumping Kit
- Re-Lure – Tight and Tone Body Serum
- Re-Start – Resurfacing Body Serum
- Re-Set – Balancing Body Serum
- Re-Solve – Age Defying Body Serum
- Re-Shine – Illuminating Body Serum
- Re-Vamp – Plumping Body Serum
Phew. I’m exhausted just typing that entire list! As you can see their product line is extensive. It’s kitschy naming and pretty packaging add to their appeal. Frankly their products have wonderful reviews.
My product selections were based on the areas I wanted to treat initially.
Product Reviews
Starting from the top down, I’ll share my thoughts on each product. Please note I did NOT take before and afters with these since I was only using them for 30 days (or as long as the products lasted). I wasn’t certain there would be enough time to see results. I’d also like to point out that moisturized skin always looks better, plumper, younger than dry skin. So I think you will see a temporary difference with any moisturizer you use as long as it doesn’t irritate your skin.
Facial Products
B-Poised is a lovely firming cream for the neck and décolleté. It smells good, sinks in nicely, and has a lovely texture. I found it very moisturizing and it didn’t irritate my skin. However, I can’t say that I found it particularly firming. My biggest concern with my neck and chest is the texture and quality of the skin. I hate that crepey look that I can see in some lights. Granted, the cream only lasted about 45 days using (using once a day) but I didn’t see any massive transformations.
Flaunt-It is a peptide serum for the face. I like the texture and it had no appreciable smell. It did not irritate my skin and it sinks into my skin quickly without any residual feeling. The bottle lasts quite a while. I cannot say that I saw any major changes in my skin in the time I used it but in fairness, skincare doesn’t work overnight or in short time frames.
Bright-It is an eye cream that is supposed reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness. Sadly this one was a MONUMENTAL fail. I had a horrible reaction to it that resulted in contact dermatitis that took 6 weeks to resolve. I only used it once!! My eyelids were itchy and scaly and just gross. I couldn’t wear eye makeup for that long. So – I will NOT be trying this again. I looked at the ingredient list and couldn’t see anything that would have triggered such a strong reaction in me. But I am NOT going through that again. This one was a total fail for me. That said, it has wonderful ratings and die-hard fans online so who knows?
Body Products
B-Glowy is a brightening serum for the body. I used it on my chest and arms specifically. The packaging is nice because you can actually see what’s left in the bottle. I don’t love the serum texture as much as the other products, but it sinks in and disappears quickly. A little goes a long way too!
B-Flex is awesome! This lift and firm arm cream is a beautiful purple color with a pleasant smell. I’m not sure why but this was hands down my favorite item. I wasn’t sure it worked as well as advertised, but once I ran out of it, I started noticing the tightness I had was decreasing a bit. I’m not sure what’s in it, but I like how I looked using it. There is an interesting note on the packaging about a hot feeling. I did not have that sensation but it’s worth noting if you are sensitive to that type of thing.
B-Flat belly firming cream did not work as well as others I’ve tried. It’s worth noting that it’s the APPEARANCE that improves. It doesn’t cause weight loss or anything else. In a pinch, like when I’m going to be seen in a bikini around others, I’ll amp up my use of it. I might repurchase for a special occasion…but probably not.
B-Foxy inner thigh firming cream was a total bust for me. The packaging (sleek pump) is the same as others but doesn’t work with the consistency of the product. I didn’t notice any change on my inner thighs either. Maybe if I stop using it I will notice a change. For now, I wouldn’t repurchase it.
That brings us to B-Tight the lift and firm booty mask. I saved the best for last. This is the superstar in the product line for me. It has a warming feeling which leans to the more intense side. I don’t find it unpleasant but it is definitely warming. I don’t recommend you sit down right away after you put it on because it’s a little bit much. I feel like I saw almost immediate improvement in tone and cellulite on my legs. Just remember that this impacts appearance. It doesn’t make cellulite go away! (I wish)
Final Thoughts
The packaging and naming of these products are very hip and current. They are brightly colored and seem to target a younger audience. On the one hand, the specific-use approach allows a consumer to select only those products they want. However, in the grand scheme of MY life, I am looking for simplification. The idea of having to use a different product for each and every need and body part means that you have a substantial collection of bottles cluttering up your vanity.
Of all of ones I tried, the only one I would say I really saw a difference from is B-Tight. I purchased another tub of it and will give it the extended version check. As I noted above, I loved the smell of B-Flex and I decided to go in for at least one more bottle once I noticed a difference after I STOPPED using it.
I don’t have any products on subscription yet, and I still struggle with the multitude of jars and pumps on my vanity now. That’s likely to put me off from becoming a regular subscriber to any product.
They just released some serums, and I’d like to give those a try. You’ll probably see another review from me on those products soon. Bottom line for my sister? Buy B-Tight and maybe B-Flex but you can skip the rest.
Have you tried any Maëlys products? Which ones and what did you think? Comment below!
Thanks sis! You rock!