I was first introduced to the notion of pH and skincare by one of my favorite Youtube (YT) channels Hot and Flashy. Angie, the You Tuber, is an over 50,…
We are going back to basics today to build a strong foundation of understanding about acids and pH levels. This is in preparation for next week’s blog when we look…
I’m not a fan of the win-lose paradigm. I didn’t play competitive sports…or any sports really. I was a dancer and a cheerleader – two activities which are distinct for…
The trouble is, when a number—your age—becomes your identity, you’ve given away your power to choose your future. Richard J. Leider Today is my father’s 87th birthday. He is…
Most weeks inspiration for the blog hits and it practically writes itself! Egads…you can tell, can’t you? Sometimes it waits longer to come to me but invariably something sparks my…