Last week I wrote (again!) about my love of red light therapy. This week I’m going to give you a quick head to head review of my three favorite red light masks.
A quick refresher, there is good scientific evidence that red light therapy helps stimulate and thicken the collagen layer in the skin which results in younger, firmer looking skin. It used to be relegated to use with wound healing and medical day spas but now the market is flooded with a plethora of home-use red light therapy devices.
There are a few things that differentiate the quality of red light masks.
- Number of lights – the density of lights impacts effectiveness. Generally more is better.
- Placement – as you may be able to guess, if density matters, then so does placement. The treatment will be most effective where the lights are.
- Distance from skin – Particularly with at home treatments where density/intensity is lower, you want the light source as close to the skin as possible. Some masks accomplish this by embedding the lights in a flexible silicone sheath. Other form a mask and put the light sources inside a comfortable silicone padding. You need to consider how a particular mask will fit YOUR particular face since we are all built very differently.
- Length of treatment – 10 minute treatments are the average though some auto time for longer or shorter periods. Typically they can be used 3-5 times a week. More frequent use generally doesn’t hurt, but it also doesn’t help. I have NOT done a deep dive on why but I presume that we have some natural limitations in our collagen production cycle that maxes out at some point.
- Convenience and comfort – This is a big one. If a treatment hurts (I have a mask for green light that has AMAZING results but it’s physically painful to wear) it will rarely be used. If you have to stay near an outlet, even for 10 minutes, that can be more restrictive than you want (it certainly is for me!) But, if you can wear the device with the option of still doing other things, then it’s super simple to fit into your routine.
Alright, let’s dive in!
I’ll run down the masks in the order that I purchased them and give you my review and reasons for upgrade.
Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare DRx SpectralLite™ EyeCare Pro
This futuristic looking eye mask was my first foray into red light therapy.
I bought this August 11, 2017. It’s still working and in great shape.
The Specs
This product has 36 visible light nodes that I can count. In this mask the nodes each have two lights so that means a total of 72 lights. Please note that the official Dr. Dennis Gross website says it has 80. My presumption is that I have they very first version and they have since made modifications to the mask lights. The treatment time is 3 minutes. It comes with a charging plug and holds a charge for several weeks. The mask is extremely comfortable and is flexible enough to fit almost any face. If you had a particularly wide or narrow face (mine is fairly narrow) you might want to make sure the outer edges align where you need them, but I think it’s a pretty good universal mask. You can see the thickness of the silicone layer in both photos. It’s comfortable, easy to wear, easy to clean. However, it doesn’t sit as close to the skin as other models.
Where to Buy It
You can find this product in a variety of places. I’m including an Amazon affiliate link here but you can locate this in many department stores and even in Sephora! It runs roughly $159 though if you watch for sales, you can definitely pick it up a few times a year for less.
My Experience
I only used it for 3 minutes but if I was starting, I would probably just run through 3 cycles for a total of 9 minutes during each treatment session. I found, though odd looking, it stays on my head well and I can wear it while I’m brushing my teeth in the morning. This was mask was the easiest to fit into a daily routine because the bottom part of my face was accessible.
Why the Upgrade
I didn’t have a blog at the time and I wasn’t honestly paying tons of attention to whether or not it worked. I took it at face value. That is, until I saw a friend of mine. She is ten years younger than I am – and we are both low-key obsessed with our skin. When I saw her, I noticed that her crow’s feet were starting to get more noticeable I didn’t have crows feet. At all!!
Then I started scrutinizing my friends faces more closely and I could see they had signs of age starting where I did not. Is it the technology? It it good genes?
As I continued to use it, I started to see that while I didn’t have any crows feet when I wasn’t smiling, under my eyes was starting to get crepey and wrinkly. It was then that I realized the lights only targeted the 11’s and crow’s feet.
I went in search of something that would treat under my eyes as well.
Dr Dennis Gross DRx SpectraLite™ FaceWare Pro
Fueled by a desperate desire to get the benefits of red light UNDER my eyes as well as around it, I started looking for a full face mask. There were so many cheap alternatives on Amazon, but I felt it was really important to stick with a known and trusted brand. It’s crazy looking (and fun!) and there is now a black and grey version available. I’m guessing that’s to appeal to men.
I purchase this device on March 12, 2019. It is still in great condition, usable and running strong.
The Specs
This product is a bit different because it includes red lights AND blue lights. The red lights target anti-aging and collagen production. The blue lights are useful if you have issues with acne. As you can see in the photos above, there are a total of 80 light nodes, 50 are red and 30 are blue. This distinction is important when comparing masks to one another. For me, I don’t need or use the blue light. You have the option of using both at the same time, but really I’m concerned about the red light treatment. Again, there are two lights on each node so that’s a total of 100 red lights (and 60 blue lights). The official number on the Dr. Dennis Gross website is 100 red and 62 blue. I cannot find that missing blue node so I’m going with my visual count. They are in the same silicone gel padding as the eye mask. Extremely comfortable to wear. It comes with a charger and it holds a charge for close to a month for me. The treatment time is 3 minutes. You can see from the red light placement, it truly treats the overall face. Oddly it does NOT really impact the crow’s feet, which is why I kept the smaller eye mask in rotation. But I think it targets enough general areas that you could really do with only this one if you don’t want to own both.
Where to Buy It
This can be purchased a high end department stores, Sephora, or through my Amazon affiliate link here which doesn’t cost you any extra. Now, I definitely recommend waiting for a sale on this one. It runs (gulp) $435 at full cost. Before you choke on that, please note that it is an investment. It’s a FRACTION of what it would cost to get in office treatments and mine is still running strong two years later. AND, if you have someone in the house to share it with, you still only need a single device!
My Experience
I used this with the 3 minute treatment cycle for a couple of years until that “duh” moment when I realized I could just press it 3 times to get a 9 minute treatment. My preference is to lay down to wear it, with my eyes shut for comfort. It’s a little heavy and the securing band doesn’t hold it quite as tight as I would like. It’s very nice NOT to be attached to any cords. I feel like a robot when I wear it -and frankly in my book that’s not a bad thing. This is such a comfortable mask for me, but again, since it is a hard shell mask, it has to fit your face. There’s little room for conforming to different shape faces. Look at the light placement to see if it meets your needs.
While I love the shape of the mask, it makes it hard to store or travel with. Thus far (knock on wood!) I haven’t harmed the mask but it gets stored in a night stand drawer which I am VERY careful about opening and closing. It takes up a lot of space.
Why the Upgrade
Honestly I wasn’t planning on upgrading this device. Between it and the eye mask, I am/was perfectly happy with what I had. But I noticed that with the full face mask, I used the eye mask less – and I had crows’ feet that were starting to show up.
Then I tried the Omnilux Contour devices for Neck and Décollete and the Glove. Read the review here.
Omnilux devices take comfort and portability and effectiveness to a higher level. After I tried (and loved!) the two devices I mentioned above, I realized I wanted to see if the face mask was all that it was cut out to be.
Omnilux ContourTM FACE
By now, I’m guessing you can apply the criteria for face mask judging and draw your own conclusions. But let’s stick to the process for this last mask!
I purchased this early May and received it on May 21, 2021. I’ve only used three or four times so far.
The Specs
This product ONLY has red lights. There are 66 nodes with two lights on each node for a total of 132 red lights. Out of all of the red light devices I own, this has the most lights. Because the entire mask is flexible, it will fit ANY face shape. The bonus is that the lights can sit extremely close to the skin. There is a battery “pod” that is charged so the mask is portable and easy to move around in if you have a pocket handy. I’ve only started using this product, but a week in and the pod is still fully charged. The treatment cycle is 10 minutes. As you can from the placement mask it is the best overall array of light placement to treat ALL of your face.
Where to Buy It
You can buy it from the Omnilux website for the best price. I was going to include an Amazon affiliate link but the cost is nearly doubled, so purchase directly from the company. The full price is $395 but be patient and you can find deals. There are sales and discount codes available to save you some money. This is definitely an investment but can easily be shared with family members.
My Experience
Though I’ve only used this a few times, the construction matches the other two products I have from Omnilux and have been using daily for two months. The mask isn’t as visually appealing as the Dr. Dennis Gross mask – but form aids functionality so I can let it slide. This mask is way more portable and easy to wear. The single cycle is a small thing but nice for a one-and-done treatment. I love the placement pattern. I can also pack it flat (along with my other devices) if I want to bring it along on a trip or just to a friend’s house for an impromptu spa day. This mask eliminates the need for the other masks I own.
Final Thoughts
If you don’t own any red light mask and you want a general purpose, highly effective mask that hits all marks for of light density, light placement, treatment cycle, skin proximity, comfort and convenience as well as company reputation, then you only need one product – an Omnilux Contour ™ FACE mask. You’ll save money and get better results for it. I am thoroughly delighted with the product! Resist the urge to “find a bargain” when it comes to this type of device. I’ve tried, trust me. You will sacrifice on all counts and wind up not using it. No matter how you slice that – it’s a waste of money.
I included the others because they are excellent choices too. They may have a more limited application but they add price points and options in that may be appropriate for your specific need or concern. I still enjoy using the Dr. Dennis Gross devices from time to time but I must say that in a head-to-head competition, Omnilux comes out the undeniable winner!