The piece of brain research that felt most promising and most accessible to me was the studies on neuroplasticity. [National Institutes of Health Article].
It basically means our neural network (aka brain) is mutable (changeable). This is how people regain function after brain injury. When one pathway or road is shut down, it may be possible to construct a different pathway that detours around the damaged part of the brain.
In my head, instead of waiting for trauma, what if we strengthened our brains without trauma? Would that improve our memory retention? Like working our bodies, would a strong brain be more protected from dementia?
What do I have to lose?
My Brain Exercise Plan
Applying the same principles of physical workouts, I created a plan for my brain.
1. Make It a Habit
Regular workouts benefit our bodies, so it follows that regular workouts would benefit our brains, right?
To this end, commit to the discipline of doing something everyday. Every. Darn. Day.
2. Focus on Weaknesses
We all want to play to our strengths, don’t we? But that approach only makes our strengths stronger. Like a well balanced body, a well balanced mind is important.
Since my concern is (initially) about memory and recall, I start with basics. Anytime I feel myself reaching for a tool (a crutch?), I go “old school”. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, long division, even algebra! It’s shocking how “weak” our minds can get when we let technology replace our own computational power. (Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE technology, but not at the expense of my brain power!)
3. Make It Fun
Have you ever noticed how much less effort it takes to do something physical when it’s fun?! Enter technology (see, I told you I love it!). There are so many apps that help strengthen your brain. Some of my favorite are:
- Luminosity (this has brain training games to push areas where you are weak. It tests you and offers up how you are doing. There is a free version and a paid version. I’ve used both. I think the free one is sufficient)
- Sudoku (I use a variety of approaches, write the answers in pen, do it in a time limit, do it without pencil marks. Have fun with it, but keep it challenging)
- Crossword puzzles (I know if this is your thing,,.its your THING! But try doing ones that are hard, not asking for help, or adding a puzzle that you’re NOT naturally good at)
- Angry Birds (ok, this one is good if your challenged with spatial relations. If you’re naturally good at it, skip it. Remember we are focusing on weaknesses!)
- Matchington Mansion (what I like about this is the game interaction changes. If I get stuck in a rut, I fail over and over. But, it gives me a chance to try out different approaches to get my win. And, it requires patience for me. That’s something I sorely need!).
The bottom line is, learn or do something new, but make it fun!
4. Mix It Up
Variety is the spice of life. When we train our bodies, it’s important to work different muscles groups in different ways. I figure the same is probably true for our minds. This variety approach helps prevent plateauing, where our forward progress stalls. This means I always ask if something is getting too easy, if I’ve had a slew of memory games but maybe I’ve neglected hand:eye coordination (part of brain strength)! Learning multiple languages, listening to music, reading books, and traveling to new places all stimulate our minds. [enter citation] If you’re doing a lot of one, switch it up! Instead of going on vacation you can say “I’ve got to go strengthen my brain.”
5. Listen To The Experts
While a lot of what I do is based on both logic and my gut, I still always look for the latest research on strengthening the brain:mind. The experts will ALWAYS know more than me. They ARE the experts, after all.
We are still mysterious beings and what we know about the brain:mind is always expanding. Keep up on it. (Bonus:staying current helps keep us vital and young! Boom! You’re welcome!)
6. Measure Progress
Nothing is more dis-heartening than feeling like you’re going nowhere. For physical exercise, we have many points of measurement. Fortunately, for brain training, those apps we talked about before can objectively quantify how you are doing.
Luminosity will show you your progress, and strengths and weakness (as they move even!). Duolingo (where I study and refresh on foreign languages) you can visibly see the progress you are making and you can take skills tests in the application.
Measure progress as it makes sense to you for the tool you are using. You’ll surprise yourself. I promise! Just…be patient. Like a muscle, it’s painful and slow going…until it’s not. And when you switch up your routine, it will temporarily go back to slow going. These are the ups and downs. No worries, they happen to us all!
7. Rest!
Rest is important. For physical activity, it allows our muscles time to heal and recuperate. Our minds are no different, except life already incorporated Rest into our routine. It is Sleep, high quality, restorative REM sleep. If you aren’t getting this, stop everything else and focus on this first. It is a core building block. Our brains don’t function well when they are sleep-deprived [enter citation]. Sleep is fuel for our brain. Without it, your training is just going to be sloppy.
I realized this myself as I was charting my progress on Luminosity. On days I had little sleep, my performance scores looked almost day 1. With sleep, I could hit new peaks!
8. Use It or Lose It!
You don’t have to take all of this on at once. In fact, if you’re going to start, I’d say ease into it. Building the habit and discipline is the first order of business.
But, make goals. And as you reach them, refresh them and set new goals. Mental strength and flexibility, like physical fitness, is a life long pursuit. Slow and steady wins the race (emphasis on steady!)
9. Bonus !!
You’ll become one of the most interesting people in the room if you make mental fitness a pursuit and a passion!
You will end up with a sparkle in your eye, a spring in your step, and an ignited passion for…something. And, all of these things will not only make you SEEM younger, they will make you FEEL younger and more vital.
That’s why we are all HERE, right?
So tell me, what tips and tricks would you add to my list?